Over the years, UPVC spray painting has grown to become a standard practice. Previously, what was done when people wanted to change the colour of their UPVC window is simply to replace the old ones. However compared to the cost of replacing the units, it’s actually a lot easier to simply have your UPVC windows sprayed and even more importantly, at just a fraction of the replacement cost. If you’re thinking about spraying your upvc windows, then you’ve come to the right place! In this post, we’re going to take you through the entire process. However, if you lack the confidence needed to pull this off, we’d strong advise that you get in touch with a professional to avoid make costly errors or mistakes.
The first step to successful upvc window spraying is always to make sure that the upvc is properly cleaned by removing any loose dirt and residue, getting rid of any muck and grime which has developed over the years. You can also abrade the surface in a very light manner to leave upvc frames with a key to make the paint adhesions stronger. Once you’re done with the preparation, the obvious next step is masking off. This process requires you to protect the walls, glass, floors and brickwork from any potential over spray. To achieve this, you can make use of masking papers.
Upon completion of the masking off process, then its time to spray paint the upvc windows using a spray gun and spray painter. This requires a lot of practice as it could be very dangerous as you can inject yourself with paint, which can be seriously fatal.