There is a variety of methods available to ensure that your paving drains properly, for example draining into a lawn or soakaway. Correct drainage of paving is a requirement for planning permission. See our guide on planning permission for paving for more information.
King's Lynn
King's Lynn, also shortened to Lynn, is a sea port and marketplace town within the region of Norfolk, in the East of England. Along with a populace of 42,800 it's only 44 miles west of Norwich and since 2004, designs are underway to completely regenerate the town. Millions of pounds are spent during the redevelopment and King's Lynn has become the UK's first member of The Hanse, a network of towns and cities that traditionally belonged to the Hanseatic League. For all house upgrades in the King's Lynn region, make certain only to use vetted and trustworthy industry professionals for work you need finished.