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Westend Property Maintenance

154 Guildford Road, Bisley, Woking, GU24 9LT
1 review(s)

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3 to 5



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Expired on: 24/10/2019

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Latest Westend Property Maintenance reviews

By Mr Marious P, RH1 9th November 2018

Roofing | Flat | Replacement in Redhill

Pre work:
I had to chase them few times and every time they promised the quote on same day but never provided one. As well after first call was transferred to a worker to speak to and after all was not wort the time I've spent to chase.. Very disappointing of the luck of wiliness to help and will not use any more your site in future.

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Westend Property Maintenance Services

Westend Property Maintenance offers Roofing services. They are based in Woking and cover a number of areas across the UK.

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Westend Property Maintenance Reviews

See what previous customers have to say about Westend Property Maintenance. Our closed review system ensures that only genuine customers are able to leave reviews, so you know you're reading real feedback about Westend Property Maintenance. Read honest reviews left by 1 of their customers.

Roofing | Flat | Replacement in Redhill

By Mr Marious P, RH1
9th November 2018

I had to chase them few times and every time they promised the quote on same day but never provided one. As well after first call was transferred to a worker to speak to and after all was not wort the time I've spent to chase.. Very disappointing of the luck of wiliness to help and will not use any more your site in future.

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