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Vibrant Pest Control

150 Salisbury Avenue, Barking, IG11 9XU
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Vibrant Pest Control Company description

"Vibrant Pest Control has provided residential and commercial customers with reliable pest control services. We offer a free and discreet 24-hour pest control survey to determine the most effective pest control treatment for your property using approved methods. We have experience in bed bug treatments, wasp nest removal, mice and rats control, cockroach control, flea removal, bird removal, etc. Heat treatment for bed bugs has a 95% success rate in eliminating bugs, so no insect stands a chance!

Vibrant Pest Control Services & Avg. Prices

Pest Control
From £160 up to £280 per job
From £160 up to £240 per job

Company Details

Company number:


Number of employees:

1 to 2


Up to £100k



Public Liability Insurance:

Expires: 20/06/2025

Service Area

Vibrant Pest Control Services

Vibrant Pest Control offers Pest Control services. They are based in Barking and cover a number of areas across the UK.

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