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Value Floors Hall Green

1142 Stratford Rd Stratford Road, Birmingham, B28 8AE
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Value Floors Hall Green Company description

Here at Value Floors, we offer flooring products such as laminate flooring, engineered flooring, wood flooring, flooring installation services, authentic oak flooring, Quick-step flooring, Carpets and rugs, solid wood flooring, krono flooring and Tuscan flooring to clients throughout Birmingham and the surrounding areas of the West Midlands. If you’d like to discuss the wood flooring that we offer further, be sure to get in touch with our expert team today. We’d love to hear from you and assist you in any way we possibly can.

Value Floors Hall Green Services & Avg. Prices

Carpet Supply & Fitting
Wood Flooring
Laminate Flooring
Parquet Flooring
Flooring Renovation

Company Details

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Number of employees:

20 to 49



Service Area

Value Floors Hall Green Services

Value Floors Hall Green offers Flooring services. They are based in Birmingham and cover a number of areas across the UK.

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