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Trusted Glazing

The Orchards, Oak road, Crays Hill, CM11 2YL
0 review(s)

Trusted Glazing Company description

Trusted Glazing Ltd was established because we felt it was possible to offer fair prices, for a quality job.

After working for a number of glazing companies for close to 20 years, we noticed that there was a distinct variation between the quality of work and products, among the leading double glazing companies .

We wanted to establish a company to deliver a quality finish at an affordable price, devoting our time to the project, and quality to the aftercare.

In addition customer feedback is of upmost importance to us; we have 5 star reviews because we care about our work! That’s why 90% of our work is done on referrals, often with multiple members of families.

We have an excellent aftercare service for all our work. Being a local business means that you aren’t sent through call centres for any queries that you have, or additional windows and doors. You speak to us directly and we pride ourselves on keeping our customers happy. That’s what puts the ‘Trusted’ in Trusted Glazing Limited

Trusted Glazing Services & Avg. Prices

uPVC Double Glazing
Aluminium Windows
uPVC Door
Bifold Doors
Composite Doors
Metal Doors

Company Details

Company number:


Joined LeadsDoWork:


Number of employees:

3 to 5



Public Liability Insurance:

Expired on: 25/11/2018

Service Area

Trusted Glazing Services

Trusted Glazing offers Windows and Doors services. They are based in Crays hill and cover a number of areas across the UK.

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