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PJM Draiange Services

58 Rochford Garden Way, Rochford, SS4 1QJ
0 review(s)

PJM Draiange Services Company description

Covering all blockages, drain cleaning, drain camera surveys and Pest control for your property. Providing a professional, reliable competitive price.

PJM Draiange Services Services & Avg. Prices

Sewer Clearing
From £100 up to £200 per hour
Septic Tank
From £90 up to £150 per hour
Under Floor Heating
Pest Control
From £80 up to £200 per hour
Soffits & Fascias
Gutter Replacement
Skip Hire
Business Waste
Rubbish Clearing & Removal
Guttering, Soffits & Fascias

Company Details

Company number:


Number of employees:

1 to 2


£100k to £550k



Public Liability Insurance:

Expired on: 30/12/2022

Service Area

Latest projects completed

PJM Draiange Services Services

PJM Draiange Services offers Drains & Sewers, Guttering, Soffits & Fascias, Plumbing, Waste Removal and Pest Control services. They are based in Rochford and cover a number of areas across the UK.

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