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PAR Electrics

129 Swansea Road,, Llangyfelach,, Swansea, SA5 7HX
4 review(s)

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Latest PAR Electrics reviews

By - Andrew W, CF11 9th May 2018

Electric | Internal & External work in Cardiff

Pre work:
Excellent service

Post work:
Excellent efficient service
By - Julia K, SA12 15th March 2018

Security | Fire / Smoke Alarms in Port Talbot

Pre work:
Didnt need a home consultation did everything over the phone and by sending photos he new exactly what was needed gave us a good quote and arranged with us a time and date for the job to be done

Post work:
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PAR Electrics Services

PAR Electrics offers Electrical services. They are based in Swansea and cover a number of areas across the UK.

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PAR Electrics Reviews

See what previous customers have to say about PAR Electrics. Our closed review system ensures that only genuine customers are able to leave reviews, so you know you're reading real feedback about PAR Electrics. Read honest reviews left by 3 of their customers.

Electric | Internal & External work in Cardiff

By Andrew W, CF11
9th May 2018

Excellent service

Excellent efficient service

Security | Fire / Smoke Alarms in Port Talbot

By Julia K, SA12
15th March 2018

Didnt need a home consultation did everything over the phone and by sending photos he new exactly what was needed gave us a good quote and arranged with us a time and date for the job to be done