P H S Group
7 Lancaster Way, 7 Lancaster Way, Huntingdon, PE29 6XUP H S Group Company description
phs Group are the leading hygiene services provider in the UK, Spain and Ireland. With over 120,000 customers over 300,000 locations, supporting everything from restaurants to offices, and from hospitals to schools, we meet the needs of up to 100 million people.Healthcare, washroom and floorcare hygiene are our business, and alongside our hygiene experts we have specialist businesses meeting the needs of specific businesses.Washroom Hygiene: Range of products to help manage hygiene levels in all washroom environments phs products include patented technology products serviced by phs personnel on optimised service schedules With our LifeCycle Strategy, we are leading the way in sustainable waste management by diverting our customers' hygiene waste away from landfill to Energy From Waste specialists who transform it into sustainable energy to power homes and buildings throughout the UK.Healthcare Hygiene: Collection and disposal of sensitive healthcare waste including nappies, dental waste, sharps, pharmaceuticals and even liposuction fat We stay on top of all the legislative developments affecting your industry to provide you with expert advice on what you need to do to ensure that your business is legally compliant.Floorcare Hygiene: Solutions to trap dirt and moisture on floors range of products including mats, mops and integrated solutions laundry network underpins lift and lay service model our mats are made with ECONYL® yarn, so our mats are not only helping keep our customers floors clean, they are helping to clean up the oceans too.Consumable Hygiene: Our subdivision phs Direct provide a complete range of specialist consumables, from toilet tissue and other hygiene paper solutions to cleaning supplies and bags. With over 25 years of experience, our team can provide the expertise and know how to help save you money on your consumable spend. We deliver to your door within 48 hours, ensuring that our customers receive the highest quality products combined with the most reliable and efficient service.What makes phs different? At phs, we want to do the right thing for both our customers and the environment; providing sustainable solutions which lead the industry.We know these issues matter to you, and that is why we do it.
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P H S Group Services
P H S Group offers Electrical services. They are based in Huntingdon and cover a number of areas across the UK.
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