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Lucia Pflucker Architecture

66A Rathcoole Gardens, London, N8 9NB
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Lucia Pflucker Architecture Company description

We are an Architectural practice that specializes in maximizing space and finding development opportunities and practical solutions to historic London properties.

We have been working for almost a decade with homeowners, local planners and carefully selected builders. Our passion for period properties is reflected in our high success rate at getting Planning Permission in Conservation Areas and for Listed Buildings.

We pride ourselves on our ability to identify and alleviate the risks associated with the design and construction processes, ensuring projects are delivered on time, on budget and will look great now and in the future.

Lucia Pflucker Architecture Services & Avg. Prices

Commercial Architectural Services
Residential Architectural Services

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Lucia Pflucker Architecture Services

Lucia Pflucker Architecture offers Architectural Services services. They are based in London and cover a number of areas across the UK.

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