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Lancashire Air Conditioning

163 London Road, Preston, PR1 4BA
2 review(s)

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Air Conditioning

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6 to 9



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Expires: 05/04/2025

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Latest Lancashire Air Conditioning reviews

By Mr Geoff A, SK8 18th December 2022

Air Conditioning in Cheadle

Pre work:
Very good

Post work:
Kevin was in contact quickly, gave good information, gave a good quote and could do the job within a couple of weeks. They arrived on time did a very nice job were very clean and tidy and completed in one day. They did a very nice job and we would use them again.
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Lancashire Air Conditioning Reviews

See what previous customers have to say about Lancashire Air Conditioning. Our closed review system ensures that only genuine customers are able to leave reviews, so you know you're reading real feedback about Lancashire Air Conditioning. Read honest reviews left by 1 of their customers.

Air Conditioning in Cheadle

By Mr Geoff A, SK8
18th December 2022

Very good

Kevin was in contact quickly, gave good information, gave a good quote and could do the job within a couple of weeks. They arrived on time did a very nice job were very clean and tidy and completed in one day. They did a very nice job and we would use them again.