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LA Roofers

56 Ings Way, Doncaster, DN5 0TE
0 review(s)

LA Roofers Company description

LA-Roofers has built a reputation throughout Yorkshire of being a trustworthy and professional roofing company. Based out of our Two offices, York and Doncaster, we have a dedicated team of professionals who have all been with the company for many years and have a wealth of knowledge that can be applied to any type of roofing job. We understand that choosing the correct company can be a difficult choice so to make things easier. On our about us page, we have listed some of the key points that put LA-Roofers ahead of the competition

LA Roofers Services & Avg. Prices

Chimney Sweeping
Commercial Roofing
Flat Roof Repair
Flat Roof Replacement
Pitched Roof Repair
Tile Roof replacement
Roof cleaning

Company Details

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Number of employees:

3 to 5

Service Area

LA Roofers Services

LA Roofers offers Roofing services. They are based in Doncaster and cover a number of areas across the UK.

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