Higgins Heating
127 Bradford Road,, Otley, LS21 3LHHiggins Heating Company description
I served my apprenticeship in Paignton, Devon from 1966-1971 and stayed with the same company until 1973 before moving to London and getting married in 1974. We moved to Poole in Dorset in 1977 and our daughter was born in April of that year and in 1980, we moved back to Paignton and I worked for a plumbing and heating company as senior engineer until starting my own business in 1990 successfully running my business there until, in 2002, my wife and I divorced. Having met my current partner on the internet in 2003, I eventually decided to wind up my business there and move to her home town of Otley and starting Higgins Heating here in November 2005, so have now been established in Otley for 10 years.
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Higgins Heating Services
Higgins Heating offers Heating services. They are based in Otley and cover a number of areas across the UK.
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