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Hampshire Plumbing and GAS

112 Macnaghten Road, Southhampton, SO18 1GH
3 review(s)

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Latest Hampshire Plumbing and GAS reviews

By Mr David W, SO15 7th September 2016

Heating | Gas | Boiler Replacement in Southampton

Pre work:
enthusiastic and determined although there was a lack of knowledge on the set up of the remote which extended the installation. Generally very pleased

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By - Sue D, SO21 7th June 2016

Heating | Gas | Boiler Replacement in Winchester

Pre work:
Comprehensive quote supplied came a close second, warranty length was the deciding factor

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By - Mr.K.E. M, PO12 1st June 2016

Heating | Gas | Boiler Repair / Service in Gosport

Pre work:
We were pleasantly surprised to find that we were phoned to say it would be earlier. Not only the gentleman very professional and answered questions, but left a detailed list of the Boilers health. We have never seen one of these before but he said it was required and contained his Gas Safety number. We are very gratefull that we can rest easy as we are both in our 80's. Would you please note my Email address and contact me again next year? Thankyou.

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Hampshire Plumbing and GAS Services

Hampshire Plumbing and GAS offers Heating services. They are based in Southhampton and cover a number of areas across the UK.

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Hampshire Plumbing and GAS Reviews

See what previous customers have to say about Hampshire Plumbing and GAS. Our closed review system ensures that only genuine customers are able to leave reviews, so you know you're reading real feedback about Hampshire Plumbing and GAS. Read honest reviews left by 3 of their customers.

Heating | Gas | Boiler Replacement in Southampton

By Mr David W, SO15
7th September 2016

enthusiastic and determined although there was a lack of knowledge on the set up of the remote which extended the installation. Generally very pleased

Heating | Gas | Boiler Repair / Service in Gosport

By Mr.K.E. M, PO12
1st June 2016

We were pleasantly surprised to find that we were phoned to say it would be earlier. Not only the gentleman very professional and answered questions, but left a detailed list of the Boilers health. We have never seen one of these before but he said it was required and contained his Gas Safety number. We are very gratefull that we can rest easy as we are both in our 80's. Would you please note my Email address and contact me again next year? Thankyou.