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Hamilton Aerials, Sat and CCTV

4 Ingram Road, Bamburgh, NE69 7BT
0 review(s)

Hamilton Aerials, Sat and CCTV Company description

Aerial, Satellite and CCTV instalations and service as well as phone line extentions, phone socket relocations, ethernet cable runs - internal and external, loft and chimney work, special heights, Sky Q connectivity issue solving, TV wall mounts, single dwellings, static caravans, no call out charge. Working in the industry over 10 years, fully insured and registered, fully qualified, reliable local service.

Hamilton Aerials, Sat and CCTV Services & Avg. Prices

Aerial & Satellite Installation

Company Details

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Expired on: 11/07/2018

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Hamilton Aerials, Sat and CCTV Services

Hamilton Aerials, Sat and CCTV offers Aerial and Satellite services. They are based in Bamburgh and cover a number of areas across the UK.

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