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Green Moray Renewables

Unit 11 Greshop Road, Forres, Forres, IV36 2GU
4 review(s)

Green Moray Renewables Services & Avg. Prices

Solar Electricity
Solar Hot Water
Commercial Solar Panels (51kw+)
Commercial Solar Panels (11-50kw)
Biomass Boilers
Air Source Heat Pumps
Electrical Work
Electrical Re-Wiring
Electrical Testing

Company Details

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Latest Green Moray Renewables reviews

By Mr Colin W, IV30 13th June 2016

Solar Panels | Solar Electricity in Elgin

Pre work:
Very good just not as competitive.

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By Mr A F, AB33 9th March 2016

Solar Panels | Solar Electricity in Alford

Pre work:
Very knowledgeable on important electrical details, more so than AES or Scottish Solar. Panels: as for AES above.

Post work:
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Green Moray Renewables Services

Green Moray Renewables offers Renewable Energy services. They are based in Forres and cover a number of areas across the UK.

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Green Moray Renewables Reviews

See what previous customers have to say about Green Moray Renewables. Our closed review system ensures that only genuine customers are able to leave reviews, so you know you're reading real feedback about Green Moray Renewables. Read honest reviews left by 4 of their customers.

Solar Panels | Solar Electricity in Elgin

By Mr Colin W, IV30
13th June 2016

Very good just not as competitive.

No rating

Solar Panels | Solar Electricity in Elgin

By Mr S I, IV30
12th April 2016

very good

Solar Panels | Solar Electricity in Alford

By Mr A F, AB33
9th March 2016

Very knowledgeable on important electrical details, more so than AES or Scottish Solar. Panels: as for AES above.

Solar Panels | Solar Electricity in Elgin

By Mr Colin W, IV30
23rd November 2015

Willing to give quote from detailed house plans or wait until house is at a stage where a visit is possible. Very accommodating.

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