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Great Oaks Tree Services

23A Sycamore Drive Sycamore Drive, Preston, PR4 3FG
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Great Oaks Tree Services Company description

Founded in 2018, Great Oaks Tree Services are a family-owned business, employing a wide range of people each taking pride in delivering professional, safe and cost-effective solutions in all areas of Tree Surgery, Grounds Maintenance and Forestry.After years of providing quality service across the the North West of England, and investing heavily in our own team, we have decided to open our doors to all.By branching out and Providing City and Guilds accredited courses in all things Arboriculture and other environmental land based sectors for those who wish to venture into the world of working outdoors, we're allowing others to pick up the same skills and knowledge that have come synonymous with Great Oaks Tree Services over the years.With a combined teaching experience of over 18 years in the industry and a competitive pricing strategy, Great Oaks Environmental Training really is the perfect place to hone your skills and attain your industry standard qualifications.

Great Oaks Tree Services Services & Avg. Prices

Tree Surgery

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Great Oaks Tree Services Services

Great Oaks Tree Services offers Tree Surgeons services. They are based in Preston and cover a number of areas across the UK.

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