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DMJ Heating Services

118 Bowhill Way,, Harlow, CM20 1FJ
3 review(s)

DMJ Heating Services Services & Avg. Prices

Gas Boiler Replacement

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Latest DMJ Heating Services reviews

By Mrs Marianne W, SG1 27th May 2017

Heating | Gas | Boiler Replacement in Stevenage

Pre work:
Good price quoted, but decided to go with another company,due to things being done differently with the other company

Post work:
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DMJ Heating Services Services

DMJ Heating Services offers Heating services. They are based in Harlow and cover a number of areas across the UK.

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DMJ Heating Services Reviews

See what previous customers have to say about DMJ Heating Services. Our closed review system ensures that only genuine customers are able to leave reviews, so you know you're reading real feedback about DMJ Heating Services. Read honest reviews left by 3 of their customers.

Heating | Gas | Boiler Replacement in Stevenage

By Mrs Marianne W, SG1
27th May 2017

Good price quoted, but decided to go with another company,due to things being done differently with the other company

Heating | Gas | Boiler Replacement in Ilford

By Mrs Parveen B, IG2
20th May 2017

Very friendly & helpful people