I Had an estimate just supplying a photo which turned out to be 4 times off the mark. Visited when I was not at home. Phoned later with a price
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Constructive Services Group offers Asbestos services. They are based in Sevenoaks kent and cover a number of areas across the UK.
See what previous customers have to say about Constructive Services Group. Our closed review system ensures that only genuine customers are able to leave reviews, so you know you're reading real feedback about Constructive Services Group. Read honest reviews left by 19 of their customers.
I Had an estimate just supplying a photo which turned out to be 4 times off the mark. Visited when I was not at home. Phoned later with a price
Good service and price
very very good
There charges were reasonable compare to the other companies and gave good advice on what we had to do to prepare before they remove the asbestos.
Very good. 1st email followed by 2 phone calls.
More expensive than the company I used
The job was done quickly and without a fuss, turned up earlier than expected, which was Goodyear us.
These guys were professional, fast and by far the most competitive quote I've received. Highly recommended.
Very good service got price job completed the following day
Very helpful. No compliant
Very professional and lovely telephone conversation
Very efficient both in contacting me, providing a quotation, agreeing a speedy date to do the work, arriving at the appointed time and doing the job with no fuss. Very pleased.
Very good service. They contacted me with a quotation promptly - it was a straightforward job so they did not need to provide a home consultation first. Work carried out on the agreed date with no problems.
Turned up on time and did the job very quickly. Site was left clean. Very happy and would recommend them.
Very professional both the customer services and the team who came and removed the asbestos
Very friendly and quick efficient and reasonable price
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