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Castell Home Improvements

44 Robinsway, Hersham, Walton-on-thames, KT12 5QN
2 review(s)

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Expired on: 02/10/2018

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Latest Castell Home Improvements reviews

By Mr Pravin S, SM5 25th January 2018

House Extensions in Carshalton

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Not had any discussion one Cost so far

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By Miss Julia P, KT18 13th January 2018

Conversion | Loft in Epsom

Pre work:
The man who rang was fantastic he talked us through so mich and explained a lot we haven’t gone ahead with anything yet but will defiantly be contacting him

Post work:
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Castell Home Improvements Services

Castell Home Improvements offers General Building services. They are based in Walton-on-thames and cover a number of areas across the UK.

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Castell Home Improvements Reviews

See what previous customers have to say about Castell Home Improvements. Our closed review system ensures that only genuine customers are able to leave reviews, so you know you're reading real feedback about Castell Home Improvements. Read honest reviews left by 2 of their customers.

House Extensions in Carshalton

By Mr Pravin S, SM5
25th January 2018

Not had any discussion one Cost so far

No rating

Conversion | Loft in Epsom

By Miss Julia P, KT18
13th January 2018

The man who rang was fantastic he talked us through so mich and explained a lot we haven’t gone ahead with anything yet but will defiantly be contacting him

No rating