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Banks Flooring Solutions

8A Centurion Court, Leyland, PR25 3UQ
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Banks Flooring Solutions Company description

Here at Banks Flooring Solutions, we offer flooring products such as luxury vinyl tile, vinyl, cushion floor vinyl, carpet, carpet tile, and all types of domestic and commercial flooring to clients throughout Preston and the surrounding areas of Lancashire. If you’d like to discuss the flooring products that we offer further, be sure to get in touch with our expert team today. We’d love to hear from you and assist you in any way we possibly can. Banks Flooring Solutions offer vinyl flooring installation and carpet installation, this makes us a one-stop shop for all your flooring needs. We have fitted flooring across a wide range of environments including, office, retail, and hospitality. We take great pride in running a family-run service with affordable prices and making sure all of our customers are satisfied with the products they receive and the fitting we do for them.

Banks Flooring Solutions Services & Avg. Prices

Carpet Supply & Fitting
Laminate Flooring
Parquet Flooring
Flooring Renovation
Wood Flooring

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Banks Flooring Solutions Services

Banks Flooring Solutions offers Flooring services. They are based in Leyland and cover a number of areas across the UK.

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