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AJM Plumbing And Heating Services

16 Sunset Place, Gloucester, GL19 3ER
4 review(s)

AJM Plumbing And Heating Services Services & Avg. Prices

Kitchen Design & Installation
Kitchen Fitting
Kitchen Cabinet Doors
Gas Boiler Replacement
Oil Boiler Replacement
LPG Boiler
Under Floor Heating
Basin, Shower, Bath, or Toilet Fitting
Basin, Shower, Bath, or Toilet Supply & Fit
Bathroom Design & Install
Bathroom Fitting
Shower Supply & Installation
Solar Hot Water

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Latest AJM Plumbing And Heating Services reviews

By Mr Bryan M, HR1 1st February 2016

Heating | Gas | Boiler Repair / Service in Hereford

Pre work:
No issues with company who quoted...they just weren't suited to my needs

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By Mr Bryan S, GL6 28th November 2015

Heating | Gas | Boiler Replacement in Stroud

Pre work:
They have said they cannot Change my boiler for 2/3mrhs and I appreciate their openness

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AJM Plumbing And Heating Services Services

AJM Plumbing And Heating Services offers Heating services. They are based in Gloucester and cover a number of areas across the UK.

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AJM Plumbing And Heating Services Reviews

See what previous customers have to say about AJM Plumbing And Heating Services. Our closed review system ensures that only genuine customers are able to leave reviews, so you know you're reading real feedback about AJM Plumbing And Heating Services. Read honest reviews left by 4 of their customers.

Heating | LPG | Boiler in Coleford

By Mr David C, GL16
11th April 2015

As they were the first company to respond it is impossible to properly rate their price competitiveness.