With the numerous benefits that comes with the installation of solar panels, it should not be an option for just a few just because of the size and/or pitch of their roof. A number of individuals with flat roofs decide against solar panels due to the fact that they believe that the panels can’t be installed due to the lack of direct sunlight. However, in truth, this thought is absolutely incorrect. This is because it is actually very possible to fit solar panels on flat roofs and you can also benefit from a good amount of electricity that’ll be generated over time. In this post, we’re going to look at the possibilities involved in the installation of commercial solar panels on a flat roof. Let’s get started!
In reality, flat roof solar systems are mostly found on commercial buildings as their roof is typically made to be flat. Although, it’s important to note that it’s absolutely possible for them to be fitted on domestic properties too. The type of solar array that’s installed makes use of the same type of solar panel as a conventional system, however, there are some considerations that’ll have to be made moving forward. The array must be able to self clean during the rainy season while also avoiding damage whenever there’s a strong wind. The installation company you choose should take the pitch of the system into account, so as to make sure that its able to capture as much energy from the sun as possible. And that’s exactly why you should consider the use of thin film solar cells which are very flexible and moves with the sun as the day goes by, securing as much sunlight as possible as its always in direct light.