Is Asbestos Dangerous?
The short and simple answer to this question is yes, asbestos is absolutely dangerous. Exposure to asbestos fibres and dust can lead to cancer, lung disease and lots more. It’s known to be so dangerous that no level of exposure to asbestos is considered safe. It has been banned in the UK since 1999 but exposure is till rampant due to the exceptions to the ban and there’s a good chance that you’ll find it in several older buildings and homes. And despite the ban in most countries, asbestos related health issues are still on the rise across the globe. People that are mostly exposed to this risk are those who’re exposed on the job as well as those who simply like to take on projects around the house containing asbestos insulation by themselves.
Furthermore, there’s a need to observe safety precautions when working with asbestos. If not, you’ll be exposing both you and your family to long term health risks. Below are some of the things you need to know about the dangers of asbestos.
✓ Exposure to asbestos fibres has no safe level. So it’s best to avoid exposure at all costs.
✓ Breathing in asbestos dust can lead to lung cancer, asbestosis and mesothelioma.
✓ If disturbed, asbestos can release dangerous particles of dust containing asbestos fibres.
✓ Mesothelioma is a type of cancer which mostly affects the lung’s lining. It has no cure.
✓ If you smoke, then the risk of inhaling asbestos is greatly increased.
✓ The number of fibres inhaled as well as the length of time that you’ve been exposed to it increases the risk of contracting asbestos related diseases.
✓ The symptoms of asbestos dust related diseases do not commonly come out until its about 20 to 30 years after the first exposure.