Prior to removing artex on your ceiling, it’s always crucial to determine whether or not the surface coating material contains asbestos. Asides from this, you may also wish to know how much you’re going to have the asbestos artex ceiling removed. If yes, then you’ve come to the right place! In order to help you make the best informed decision possible, this post was written to help give you an idea of the price it’s going to cost to remove asbestos artex ceiling in the UK.
Unfortunately, as simple as it seems, there’s no single straightforward answer to this question as there are many factors that can affect the cost of hiring an asbestos artex removal professional. These factors include the project’s scale, the complexity of the area which needs to be removed as well as the need for extra materials. Generally, professional artex removal companies charge a standard rate for their labour. As a result, you can always predict that the tradesperson’s labour will be more costly based on the extent of the job. Therefore, the more costly the labour fees will be if the job takes longer time to complete.
On the average, a tradesperson will charge within the range of £250 to £400 on a daily basis to undertake the project for you. And of course, you can expect these rates to vary based on the company hired as well as the area you live in. For rxample, you can expect that a tradesperson’s charges would be higher in an area such as Central London, as opposed to other areas which are more rural.