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Sunlite Group

The clubhouse Newbourne Road, Waldringfield, Woodbridge, IP12 4PT
1 review(s)

Sunlite Group Company description

Sunlite Group are a family run business that provides professional solar installation and renewable services to homeowners and businesses based in East Anglia.
We take pride in providing sustainable energy solutions, helping you to save money and produce green energy.
We are not a hard sales company and have no direct sales team, we offer an honest, competitive and high quality service.

Sunlite Group Services & Avg. Prices

Solar Electricity
Solar Battery
Solar Panels with Battery
Air Source Heat Pumps

Company Details

Company number:


Joined LeadsDoWork:


Number of employees:

10 to 19



Public Liability Insurance:

Expires: 07/03/2025

Service Area

Sunlite Group Accreditations

Latest Sunlite Group reviews

By Mrs Diana M, IP4 10th April 2023

Solar Panel and Battery in Ipswich

Pre work:
Large company, impersonal, very fast salespiel, I was 1 of many potential customers

Post work:
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Sunlite Group Services

Sunlite Group offers Solar Panels and Renewable Energy services. They are based in Woodbridge and cover a number of areas across the UK.

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Sunlite Group Reviews

See what previous customers have to say about Sunlite Group. Our closed review system ensures that only genuine customers are able to leave reviews, so you know you're reading real feedback about Sunlite Group. Read honest reviews left by 1 of their customers.

Solar Panel and Battery in Ipswich

By Mrs Diana M, IP4
10th April 2023

Large company, impersonal, very fast salespiel, I was 1 of many potential customers