Whether you’re hiring a professional to replace your double glazing or are considering DIY, it’s a good idea to know how to fit a double glazed window.
You need to start by assembling your window. Fit any handles and cut the outer sill to size by measuring the outer wall depth. Then, screw the outer sill to the window frame and attach the frame fixers. Screw the ventilation grilles onto the inside of the frame and fix the vents on.
Next, you need put the window into place, using spacers to wedge it in. Use a spirit level to check it’s level horizontally and vertically, adding extra spacers if needed. Then, fix the frame into place at each fixing point using a drill, wall plugs and screws. Measure and cut the interior sill, and check that it’s level, adding spacers if needed. Then fix it using screws, masonry nails or adhesive.
Finally, fill in any wide gaps with foam filler and small gaps with sealant. You can get interior and exterior trims to cover these up, making your window look neat and professional.