Whether installing an air source heat pump will help you save money depends on your property, how long you expect to live there, and the type of heat pump you get.
Air source heat pumps are initially quite expensive to install. However, if you get an air-to-water air source heat pump, you’re eligible for money from the Renewable Heat Incentive [https://www.energysavingtrust.org.uk/scotland/grants-loans/renewables/renewable-heat-incentive] (RHI). This is a UK government scheme that gives you quarterly cash payments over seven years if you install an eligible renewable heating technology (air-to-air air source heat pumps aren’t included).
All this means that if you have long-term plans to stay in your property, then an air-to-water air source heat pump can be a great way to save money on your heating bills. However, if you’re planning on moving out of your property relatively soon, or are a considering an air-to-air air source heat pump, it may not be the best financial option for you.
It’s important to remember that air source heat pumps are at their most efficient when installed in very well insulated properties. If your property’s not very energy efficient, you may find that a heat pump won’t help you save money.