Safemark by NHBC Safemark by NHBC
Safemark is the NHBC’s pre-qualification health and safety assessment scheme. It is the only scheme designed by house-building specialists for house builders.The scheme is recognised by Safety Schemes in Procurement (SSIP), which is an organisation that facilitates mutual recognition between health and safety assessment schemes. This means that contractors with Safemark have been assessed and confirmed by an SSIP forum member that they meet acceptable health and safety standards.
The Construction (Design and Management) Regulations 2015 (CDM 2015) state that contractors must have the skills, knowledge, experience and organisational capability to carry out work safely. Being part of Safemark helps to show consumers that they meet these regulations.
Choosing a contractor that has been assessed by Safemark ensures that they will carry out your project safely without affecting themselves or your family. They may also be able to offer a cheaper quote as they won’t have to be assessed repeatedly for each project they work on.
Safemark contractors will be able to show their understanding of current health and safety legislation, so don’t hesitate to ask them any questions you may have. They will also be able to provide evidence of their assessment, so ask to see their certificate and look out for the Safemark logo on any paperwork.
Contractors play an important role in planning, managing and monitoring their work to ensure that they control any risks, so by choosing a Safemark-assessed member you can be assured that they will work in a safe and risk-free manner.