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European Builders Confederation

www www.eubuilders.org
About European Builders Confederation
The European Builders Confederation (EBC) is a non-profit organisation made up of national associations representing construction micro-enterprises and SMEs in Europe. It acts as the voice of construction SMEs in Brussels, and represents 2 million micro, small and medium-sized enterprises. These range from bricklayers to more specialised trades such as carpenters.

The UK member of the European Builders Confederation is the Federation of Master Builders (FMB). It recognised that Europe drives a lot of legislation on many issues affecting the construction industry, so it became a founder member and an active voice within the confederation. FMB members must pass a strict vetting process in order to be accepted, so consumers can be confident that their builder is reputable. As a result, members of the Federation of Master Builders are also members of the EBC, so are respected by a European body as well as a national association.

The EBC represents, defends and promotes the interests of the construction industry’s entrepreneurs, in close co-ordination with its national member organisations. Its mission is:

• To ensure it takes construction enterprises’ needs into account during the European legislative process. This is to make it possible for construction SMEs to be the drivers of sustainable economic growth in Europe

• To present construction SMEs’ contribution to European decision-making

• To increase understanding of small and medium construction businesses’ role in employment and sustainable development

• To enable representatives of SMEs to take part in the European sectorial social dialogue

The EBC works on many projects in social affairs and energy, showing customers that the organisation and its members are well-respected. Energy projects include coordinating the activity of professionals engaged in energy renovation of social housing. Social affairs projects include supporting active ageing and attracting young workers in construction SMEs and improving health and safety. The EBC shows that its UK members are part of a large group of well-respected and knowledgeable builders from across Europe.

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