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BM TRADA is a provider of independent assurance services to businesses worldwide. This involves certification and inspection services for a broad range of standards, schemes and products. They help businesses meet contractual and regulatory requirements and improve quality and safety. By providing these services BM TRADA protects the reputation of businesses and reduces risk as it shows compliance with recognised standards.

The UK Accreditation Service (UKAS) and the Accreditation Service International (ASI) accredit BM TRADA, which are credible and independent bodies. This shows that they have assessed BM TRADA against international standards. Customers can trust them in many industries that they have experience of, such as manufacturing, construction and timber. BM TRADA has expertise in testing and inspection in areas such as building and building products. Many products may hold a ‘Q mark’ which certifies that they are safe and durable materials.

BM TRADA also comments on schemes and initiatives that may affect businesses, such as the mandatory Energy Saving Opportunity Scheme, where they discovered that many big businesses do not know about the scheme. Without BM TRADA's information, businesses risked being fined if they did not provide a report on their energy use and efficiency.

BM TRADA focuses on industry-leading knowledge so it can support its customers when they are choosing a firm to carry out work for them in a number of sectors. Its Competent Person scheme ensures that window and door fitters are competent and qualified. It also means that they can self-certify that their work complies with building regulations. This saves the customer money as they do not have to pay inspection fees to the local authority.

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