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About BICSc
The British Institute of Cleaning Science (BICSc) is the largest independent, professional and educational body in the cleaning industry, with over 10,000 individual and corporate members in the UK and internationally. Formed in 1961 by people who wanted to give the cleaning industry recognition, it aims to raise the standards in the industry. Members include local authorities, manufacturers, suppliers, trainers and cleaning companies and their operatives. They develop best practice for all types of cleaning. The most recently announced is the best practice for Biohazard Contamination Cleaning.

BICSc sets standards in the cleaning industry for training and education, as well as providing recognition of experience and skills. It also provides help in gaining credibility, as they have just begun distributing a licence to practice. They hold an annual awards evening to drive their standards higher by rewarding those that maintain or go above the standards that BICSc expect.

Customers recognise that BICSc members undergo rigorous training and assessment before the Institute accepts them. Membership to the BICSc provides proof of skills and industry experience, so customers are more likely to trust a member.

Members of BICSc can show customers that they are committed to professionalism and personal development, which goes a long way in an industry where companies are in competition with individuals and small firms that offer low prices. BICSc issues all members with certificates and ID cards holding the BICSc logo, so it is easy for customers to recognise a BICSc member cleaner. Clients can also search for members online through the BISC directory, and can refine their search to individuals or corporate members.

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