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Architects Registration Board (ARB)

www www.arb.org.uk
About Architects Registration Board
The Architects Registration Board (ARB), established by Parliament in 1997, regulates the architectural profession. It is an independent, public interest body and aims to maintain standards to benefit the public and architects. The ARB’s duties cover six main areas:

• Recognising the qualifications needed to become an architect

• Overseeing the UK Register of Architects

• Ensuring that architects meet the standards for conduct and practice

• Investigating complaints

• Ensuring that only people on the Register offer their services as an architect

• Act as the UK’s Competent Authority for architects

The UK Register of Architects holds approximately 34,500 architects. Anyone working using the name of the profession must register with the Architects Registration Board. It is a criminal offence to carry out architectural work if you are not on the UK Register of Architects, so it is important for customers to check they are using a registered architect before a letting them carry out any work on their property.

The ARB provides information for members of the public on its website. It offers a search function for customers to find a registered architect in their area or check an architect's registration. There is also a video on the website which outlines how to find an architect with the ARB register and what to ask when the customer meets them. It also provides a downloadable ‘Meeting with your architect’ form to guide customers through the key areas for discussion with the architect. The ARB offer a live chat service from its website so that customers can check an architect's status.

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