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Arboricultural Association

www www.trees.org.uk
About Arboricultural Association
The Arboricultural Association (AA) was established in 1964 and is the largest body for the amenity tree care professional. They base membership on the National Qualifications Framework levels, and members can progress through the structure as their career progresses in civic or commercial employment. They can reach craft, technical, supervisory, managerial or consultancy level, and the AA encourage professional development. The Arboricultural Association organises training seminars and workshops throughout the year to facilitate this professional development. This ensures that all its members are trained to a high standard and give their customers the service they expect.

Some of the Arboricultural Association’s aims include:

• To advance the study of arboriculture

• To raise the standards of its practice

• To assist in the training of students in disciplines where arboriculture is a major subject

• To co-operate with bodies having similar aims

The Arboricultural Association devises policies and practices for its 2000 members to make sure that they are working in a safe and professional manner. In February 2015, they launched a new Industry Code of Practice (ICoP) for Tree Work at Height, outlining consistent and safe methods of managing resources, personnel and equipment, with an end to provide safe and efficient working practices at height.

The charitable objective of the AA is ‘to advance the science of Arboriculture for the public benefit’, and they create and distribute publications on tree care alongside leaflets and guidance notes. They also hold seminars and conferences on the topic to meet their aim.

The Arboricultural Association’s website offers a comprehensive list of Registered Consultants and ARB Approved Contractors, which means that the AA have assessed them and the they uphold the AA's standards. Contractors are regularly reassessed and Consultants are obliged to maintain their Continuing Professional Development records.

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