What Is A Septic Tank?
Septic tank may be a very strange concept to many individuals, but to the households that make use of them - they’re crucial to several homes especially the ones who are not connected to the mains sewage line
A septic tank .is simply an underwater sedimentation tank which is incorporated for the treatment of waste water via a process called biological decomposition and drainage. The tank utilizes natural processes in conjunction with tried and tested technologies for waste water treatment. The waste water comes from household plumbing which are often generated by bathrooms and toilets, kitchens, laundry as well as drains.
Septic tanks usually possesses a very simple design. They are simply underground containers that are watertight ( usually round or rectangular) made of plastic, fibreglass or concrete. They normally constitute different compartments which is a T-shaped outlet to prevent the sum and sludge from escaping that tank and finding a spot on the drain field area.
Septic tanks are particularly useful for households with a poor drainage system or those that aren’t connected to the mains sewage system. They serve as their main source of safe waste water disposal. The tanks work by collecting waste water and excreta in one huge underground tank and they happen to be very common in rural and developing areas.
Septic tanks are typically fitted underground and 50 metres away from the building. For those that live in towns and cities, septic tanks are mostly not needed as the waste water is normally transported and taken care of by their sewage system is is maintained and managed by a local water company. If you own a septic tank, you have an extra duty to make sure that it’s existence doesn’t negatively impact the environment.