Roofing | Pitched | Repair
Omagh - BT79
Enquiry from: Daniel S
Start Date: Immediate
3or4 tiles came off in storm and also the aluminium protector
On the lookout for tile roofing maintenance in Omagh? Our tile roof maintenance professionals within Omagh are able to give you the best quotes for having rooftops repaired.
The potential for slate and tile roofing has finally been realised in the United Kingdom because they're gaining popularity up and down the country.
With their durability, superb weather resistance and longevity expectancy you'll have a well-performing roofing material ideal for all circumstances.
And with a variety of colours and designs to select from you have the opportunity to select something unique which will fit well with your existing house and even set your roof apart from the rest of the road.
If you want to learn more about tile roof restoration, simply fill out our quick form.
The average cost of Tile roof repairs is £450. Costs fluctuate based upon the materials and the company picked. The upper price range can be as high as £517.5. The material costs are in general around £112.5
Avg. price low | Avg. price low |
Avg. price | Avg. price |
Avg. price high | Avg. price high |
Labour cost | £315 | |
Material cost | £113 | |
Waste removal | £23 |
Requests for quotations in Omagh in February 2025
Requests for Tile roof repairs quotations in Omagh in February 2025. 0% change from January 2025.
Requests for Tile roof repairs quotations in County Tyrone in February 2025. 0% change from January 2025.
We recorded 612 requests for home improvement quotes in Omagh. Of these quote requests the number of tile roof repairs (type: tile roof repairs, slate roof repairs etc...) was 0. Quotatis were able to match these customers with up to four suitable specialists who were available for work in Omagh at that time.
Source: Numbers calculated based on the search volumes in major search engines??O m a g h i s t h e c o u n t y t o w n o f C o u n t y T y r o n e i n N o r t h e r n I r e l a n d , w i t h a p o p u l a t i o n o f 2 1 2 9 7 . I t i s s i t u a t e d i n a n a r e a w h e r e t h e R i v e r D r u m r a g h a n d t h e R i v e r C a m o w e n c o m b i n e t o p r o d u c e t h e S t r u l e . T h e t o w n i s a f a i r d i s t a n c e f r o m I r e l a n d ' s c a p i t a l c i t y , B e l f a s t , b e i n g 6 8 m i l e s t o t h e e a s t o f O m a g h , h o w e v e r i t i s n e a r e r t o D e r r y , w h i c h i s 3 4 m i l e s t o t h e n o r t h o f t h e t o w n . S i t u a t e d a t t h e s e c i t i e s a r e O m a g h ' s c l o s e s t p u b l i c a i r l i n k s , t h o u g h a s m a l l e r a i r s t r i p , E n n i s k i l l e n A i r p o r t , c a n b e l o c a t e d 2 4 m i l e s t o t h e s o u t h w e s t o f O m a g h . D u e t o t h e t o w n ' s c e n t r a l l o c a t i o n i n C o u n t y T y r o n e , O m a g h i s c u r r e n t l y v i e w e d a s t h e p r i m a r y s h o p p i n g c e n t r e f o r T y r o n e , a s w e l l a s t h e W e s t o f U l s t e r . B e t w e e n 2 0 0 0 a n d 2 0 0 3 , m o r e t h a n ? 8 0 m i l l i o n w a s i n v e s t e d , a n d a n e w r e t a i l s p a c e w a s d e v e l o p e d , c o v e r i n g 6 0 . 9 6 s q u a r e m i l e s . T h i s i n c l u d e s a v a r i e t y o f n a t i o n a l a n d l o c a l b u s i n e s s e s , o f f e r i n g c i t i z e n s o f t h e c o u n t y w i t h a w i d e r a n g e o f s h o p s , d i n i n g e s t a b l i s h m e n t s , f a s t f o o d o u t l e t s a n d b a r s t o c h e c k o u t . A c u r r e n t p r o j e c t i n t h e t o w n , w h i c h s t a r t e d i n 2 0 1 4 , i s t h e d e v e l o p m e n t o f t h e O m a g h A c c e s s i b l e S h a r e d I n c l u s i v e S p a c e , w h i c h i n c l u d e s a ? 4 . 5 m i l l i o n r e d e v e l o p m e n t o f O m a g h ' s r i v e r b a n k . T h e p r o j e c t i s f u n d e d e x c l u s i v e l y b y t h e E u r o p e a n U n i o n . A p o p u l a r l a n d m a r k f r e q u e n t e d b y i n h a b i t a n t s i s t h e U l s t e r A m e r i c a n F o l k P a r k , w h i c h i n c l u d e s t h e c o t t a g e w h e r e T h o m a s M e l l o n w a s b o r n i n 1 8 1 3 . T h e p a r k i s m a i n l y a n o u t d o o r m u s e u m w h i c h e x a m i n e s t h e j o u r n e y m a d e b y t h e I r i s h t o A m e r i c a d u r i n g t h e 1 8 0 0 s . H o s t i n g l a r g e e v e n t s d u r i n g E a s t e r , C h r i s t m a s a n d H a l l o w e e n , o v e r 1 0 0 0 0 0 p e o p l e v i s i t t h e p a r k e a c h y e a r . F o r a l l y o u r h o m e u p g r a d e s , m a k e s u r e t o m a k e u s e o f c r e d i b l e c o n t r a c t o r s i n O m a g h t o m a k e c e r t a i n o f q u a l i t y .
Omagh - BT79
Enquiry from: Daniel S
Start Date: Immediate
3or4 tiles came off in storm and also the aluminium protector
Omagh - BT78
Enquiry from: Nigel S
Start Date: Immediate
Ridge tiles and chimney flue. Small internal leak in dwelling on right side.
Omagh - BT78
Enquiry from: Andrew F
Start Date: Immediate
roof cleaned & gutters also walls cleaned ,slight damp leaking inside around chimneys
Omagh - BT78
Enquiry from: Nigel M
Start Date: Immediate
Leak in upstairs ceiling. Rafters in attic wet. May be coming through roof
Omagh - BT79
Enquiry from: Peter M
Start Date: Immediate
my mother has reported damage to her chimney in the recent storm. she says there are chunks of render lying on the roof. i'm not based locally so bas*** hand information. are you the property owner: ...
Omagh - BT79
Enquiry from: Niall M
Start Date: Immediate
Appears to be a leak running down a joist in a 3 story house. Sign of water in top bedroom and bottom bedroom
Omagh - BT79
Enquiry from: George C
Start Date: Less than one month
we have a leak below the chimney breast are you the property owner: owner of the property property type: detached property age: pre-1900 how many bedrooms: 1-2 rooms roof height: 2nd floor is your roo...
Omagh - BT78
Enquiry from: Darren B
Start Date: Immediate
Leaking roof, no obvious signs of damage, possibly needs resealing of flashing
Omagh - BT78
Enquiry from: Mick K
Start Date: Immediate
Replacing tiles n seal roof
Omagh - BT79
Enquiry from: Pauline D
Start Date: Immediate
to repair a leak around the chimney. are you the property owner: relative of owner property type: detached property age: 1970-2000 how many bedrooms: 3-4 rooms roof height: 1st floor is your roof pit...
Omagh - BT79
Enquiry from: Leonardas M
Start Date: Less than one month
need to wash the roof and clean the gutters are you the property owner: owner of the property property type: terrace property age: post-2000 how many bedrooms: 3-4 rooms roof height: 2nd floor is your...
Omagh - BT78
Enquiry from: Claire M
Start Date: Immediate
would like a quote to clean the roof to be done as soon as possible - presently a lot of moss on it. a slate tiled roof. house is a detached bungalow, area 1,300 sq. ft. thanks are you the property ...
Omagh - BT78
Enquiry from: Grainne N
Start Date: Less than one month
replacement of broken roof tile are you the property owner: owner of the property property type: detached property age: 1930-1970 how many bedrooms: 3-4 rooms roof height: 1st floor is your roof pitc...
Omagh - BT79
Enquiry from: Virginia M
Start Date: Immediate
Shed/ garage building needs roof repair/replacement. Would like a quote for the work please. Currently, it's corrugated tin. Would like to discuss options.
Omagh - BT79
Enquiry from: Christine v
Start Date: Immediate
check roof appear to have leak are you the property owner: owner of the property property type: semi detached property age: post-2000 how many bedrooms: 3-4 rooms roof height: 1st floor is your roof p...
Omagh - BT78
Enquiry from: Richard M
Start Date: Immediate
cracked roof tiles need fixed
Omagh - BT78
Enquiry from: Robert W
Start Date: Less than one month
are you the property owner: owner of the property property type: semi detached property age: post-2000 how many bedrooms: 3-4 rooms roof height: 2nd floor is your roof pitched or flat: pitched do you...
Omagh - BT78
Enquiry from: Robert W
Start Date: Less than one month
my chimney stack has cracked two blocks from the top. it can be removed and a new top slab and 8” pot fitted. or re-built and re pebble dashed property type: semi detached property age: post-2000 ho...
Omagh - BT78
Enquiry from: Daniel M
Start Date: Immediate
possible leak on roof above living room in bungalow time scale: immediate please call to appoint
Omagh - BT78
Enquiry from: Ursula M
Start Date: Immediate
Conservatory insulation. Glass roof 14x8 approx
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How To Replace Roof Tiles
If your roof tiles is cracked, missing or damaged in one form or the other, you may want to read up to see if the replacement is something you can do by yourself. The answer is yes, roof tiles replacement can be done as a DIY project especially if you’re an experienced DIYer or confident enough to tackle the project. However, if you lack the confidence needed to take on this task, then we’d strongly recommend you get in touch with a professional roofer who can guarantee the best results for help. In this article, we’ll show you how you can replace your roof tiles with relative ease. Let’s take a look!
✓ As you would have rightly guessed, the first step to replacing your roof tiles is to remove the existing damaged roof tile to create space for the new tile. In the event whereby the roof tile is nailed to down, you will have to pry the nails off before proceeding with the broken tile removal.
✓ Once the damaged tile has been removed, the next step is to replace the roof tile as there’ll now be a gap in the roofing area. Simply position the new tile rightly into the space that was formerly filled by the old damaged tile.
✓ After successfully placing the new tiles in spot of the removed tile, you’ll now have to replace the overlapping tiles to their correct position to secure them. To this with a hammer to lift the overlapping tiles a little bit, so you can pull them back into the appropriate place.
✓ This final step is not a necessary one. However, if you’d like to secure your roof tiles further, you can simply nail it into place with a hammer.
Competent Roofer is a scheme that allows professionals to self-certify that their work is in line with Building Regulations. If you don’t use a registered Competent Roofer, you’ll have to pay your local authority to certify the work, so we recommend you use a Competent Roofer to save yourself extra outlay at the end.
How Much Does Roof Repair Cost?
With the typical British weather, the roof is always subjected to enough battering every single day. With that type of events, you’d expect to find some chimney pots on the floor or roof tiles to go missing every once in a while. When these minor roof issues occur, a professional roofer is always in hand to easily resolve these problems. However, there are times in which the roof will be in a terrible condition with persistent leaks which is beyond the capacity of a roofer to resolve. In such cases, you may have to consider having the roof replaced as the best choice.
If you’re currently facing some issues with your roof and you need it repaired, then you’d probably want to know just how much it’ll cost to complete the project. In the UK, a roof repair cost can be within the range of £100 to £12,000 based on a number of influencing factors such as where the property is located as well as the size of the property. For instance, if you happen to stay in London where the demand is higher and there’s also the high cost of living, roof repair costs tend to be a bit more costly.
Let’s look at a simple breakdown of some roof repair jobs. These includes the following:
✓ Cost of renovating the roof on a detached four bedroom house using slate ( two story house) will range between £6300 to £12000.
✓ Cost of renovating the roof on a two story semi detached house using slate will range between £5000 to £7400.
✓ Cost of renovating full roof on a two bedroom bungalow using slate will range between £4000 to £5900.
Roof tiles should be replaced as soon as possible to ensure that your roof stays waterproof. Use crawl boards when replacing them to avoid damaging other tiles, if not ask a qualified roofer to carry out the work, particularly if the tiles are higher up.
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