How Long Do UPVC Conservation Last?
UPVC conservatories are common features on residences across the UK for a good reason. Not only do they give you the extra living space you so much desire within your home or property, but they also go a long way to add value to your property. So if you’re also thinking about constructing a UPVC conservation within your home, you’re probably not alone! One of the several benefits of the structure is also its longevity, however this is dependent on a number of factors. Let’s take a closer look!
Modern UPVC windows will normally last between 20 to 25 years, however some are able to last much longer provided they’re properly maintained and top quality materials are used. And thanks to improvements in colour technology, the finish on UPVC tends to last much longer too.
Some of the factors that can go a long way to determine the longevity of your UPVC conservation includes the type of roofing materials used, how well it’s being maintained, the location or placement of the structure, replacement of individual conservatory parts, as well as insulation.
The type of roofing material for a UPVC conservation can either be glass, polycarbonate or tiles. The glass and polycarbonate roofs usually lasts for a minimum of 20 years when it’s properly installed and provided with the necessary upkeep. Meanwhile, tiled UPVC conservation roof are generally expected to last up to 50 years which is significantly longer than the counterparts - glass and polycarbonate. Interestingly, they require little to no maintenance and are also very unlikely to get damaged during the upkeep.
It’s also very important to make use of a reliable and reputable company to have your UPVC conservatory installed. This is because your structure can only be as good as the company responsible for its installation. So if you require a structures that will last for decades, you should pay great attention to the company you’ll hire.