Paving & Driveway | Concrete
Denny - FK6
Enquiry from: Christopher G
Start Date: 1 to 3 months
drive way nedding resurfaced time scale: 1-3 months please call to appoint
Are you searching for Concrete driveway in Denny? Our network of installers can aid with your task. Every one of our professionals in Denny are displayed so you can see local honest reviews, when the business was formed, reviews, approval and also day rate, permitting you to make the best choice on who to employ. Allow us take the inconvenience out of locating up to 4 pros for your Concrete driveway job.
Concrete is a favorite driveway surfacing material. It’s suited to any size or condition of driveway. Many people install concrete driveways because they’re durable. If a concrete driveway is laid and maintained appropriately, it can last for at least 30 years. Cement driveways are also relatively zero-maintenance. Many professionals advise that you coat your concrete in a sealer. This isn’t essential, but it will keep carefully the driveway in good condition and prolong its life. This sealer is simple to apply and needs reapplying about once every 2 yrs, or whenever the driveway begins showing indications of wear and tear. Cement driveways also need periodic washing and sweeping. Concrete driveways are also popular because they could be customised. Different dyes are available to change the color of concrete to suit its surroundings. Cement can be used to set-up pattern imprinted driveways, which are generally unique and attractive. Cement driveways do have downsides. They are inclined to cracking, especially when it’s scorching or wintry or they’re under extreme pressure. Cracks in concrete are difficult to repair. Although they can be stuffed in, this often leaves a driveway looking patchy and mismatched. The best way to repair a concrete driveway is to replace it, that can be expensive.
Cost of Concrete Driveways in Denny
Concrete driveways, when properly installed, can be a extremely inexpensive means of surfacing all driveways consisting of both the huge as well as the small ones. Therefore, it has grown to become a typical option amongst homeowners in the UK. It does a great task at offering a building a more strong and acceptable look than various other driveway appearing options that includes asphalt or tarmac.
Are you intending to install concrete on your driveway? If indeed, then you'll probably be fascinated to recognize precisely how much it's going to cost. Well, to begin you'll need to make a decision whether you'll be doing this on your own or maybe you 'd be employing a professional. The project could be a lot more effective if you determine to tackle it on your own as you're only mosting likely to be worried about the spending for the materials with no labour prices. However, installing a concrete driveway is not the easiest of tasks also for the competent as well as a lot more experienced DIYers. As a result, if you pick to accomplish the task on your own, you need to likewise prepare yourself for a longer conclusion time than it would certainly have been if you hired a professional which is usually around two days. If you have all the devices and also products in position before commencement, then it's feasible to complete the job over the weekend break. However, there are numerous risks involved such as the possibility of misjudging the appropriate amount of concrete mix and also more. So, what is the expense of installing a concrete driveway?
Well, just like various other house enhancement jobs, the concrete driveway expense depends on a variety of aspects like the dimension of the area, the experience of the specialist, the property's location and also lots much more. Nevertheless, generally, the ordinary price of a concrete driveway varieties between ₤ 45 to ₤ 55 per square metre. For work expenses, you can expect to pay in between ₤ 200 to ₤ 450 each day based upon the job's intricacy.
Get Concrete Driveway Quotes:
We will offer up to four Concrete driveway pros locally, that will certainly use quotes for the work you want done. You'll receive a home visit from experts in Denny that'll help you to pick the appropriate Concrete driveway for your home prior to performing the installation. Enter your postcode to start looking currently.
How much your concrete driveway or patio project will cost you depends on the size it will be and where it's located. It also depends on the professional you hire to help you. However, generally speaking, the regular price for a concrete driveway or patio is £1,750 in Denny.
Avg. price low | Avg. price low |
Avg. price | Avg. price |
Avg. price high | Avg. price high |
Labour cost | £1,225 | |
Material cost | £438 | |
Waste removal | £88 |
Requests for quotations in Denny in February 2025
Requests for Concrete driveway quotations in Denny in February 2025. 0% change from January 2025.
Requests for Concrete driveway quotations in Stirlingshire in February 2025. 0% change from January 2025.
??D e n n y i s a t o w n i n t h e F a l k i r k c o u n c i l a r e a o f S c o t l a n d , f o r m e r l y i n t h e c o u n t y o f S t i r l i n g s h i r e . I t i s l o c a t e d a r o u n d 7 m i l e s ( 1 1 k i l o m e t r e s ) w e s t o f F a l k i r k , a n d 6 m i l e s ( 9 . 7 k i l o m e t r e s ) n o r t h - e a s t o f C u m b e r n a u l d , a d j a c e n t t o b o t h t h e M 8 0 a n d M 8 7 6 m o t o r w a y s . T h e t o w n c o v e r s a t o t a l a r e a o f a p p r o x i m a t e l y 1 . 0 3 s q u a r e m i l e s . D e n n y i s s e p a r a t e d f r o m n e i g h b o u r i n g v i l l a g e D u n i p a c e b y t h e R i v e r C a r r o n . A t t h e 2 0 1 1 c e n s u s , D e n n y h a d a l o c a l p o p u l a t i o n o f 7 9 3 3 . B e f o r e t h e e a r l y 1 9 8 0 s , D e n n y w a s a h u b f o r h e a v y i n d u s t r y , s u c h a s a n u m b e r o f i r o n f o u n d r i e s , b r i c k w o r k s , a c o a l m i n e a n d p a p e r m i l l s t i l l t h e m i d d l e o f t h e 2 0 t h c e n t u r y . D e n n y i s n o w g o i n g t h r o u g h a ? 7 . 6 m i l l i o n r e g e n e r a t i o n p l a n i n t h e t o w n c e n t r e . T h e l o c a l f o o t b a l l t e a m a r e D u n i p a c e J u n i o r s F . C . , w h o p l a y a t W e s t f i e l d P a r k w h e r e t h e y r e l o c a t e d t o f r o m t h e i r p r e v i o u s h o m e o f C a r r o n b a n k . T h e y c o m p e t e i n t h e W e s t R e g i o n o f t h e S c o t t i s h J u n i o r F o o t b a l l A s s o c i a t i o n . W e l l k n o w n f o o t b a l l e r s f r o m t h e t o w n i n c l u d e B i l l y S t e e t , S a m m y B a i r d , J i m m y M c M u l l a n a n d M a r t y n C o r r i g a n . A r a n g e o f a d d i t i o n a l n o t e w o r t h y p e o p l e o r i g i n a t e f r o m t h e t o w n o f D e n n y . T h i s c o n s i s t s o f T h o m a s B a i n , a C a n a d i a n p o l i t i c a l l e a d e r ; J o h n A d a m C r a m b , a h i s t o r i a n ; G e o r g e W i l l i a m G r a y , a c h e m i s t a n d i n n o v a t o r o f l i q u i d c r y s t a l d i s p l a y ; M a t t h e w H a y , a p h y s i c i a n ; C a r l K i r k w o o d , a n A u s t r a l i a n p o l i t i c i a n ; a C h r i s t i a n M a c l a g a n , m a y b e t h e v e r y f i r s t f e m a l e a r c h a e o l o g i s t i n B r i t a i n ; D a n n y M a l l o y , a f i g h t e r ; a n d S t e v i e M c C r o r i e , a m u s i c i a n a n d p e r f o r m e r . F o r a l l o f y o u r h o m e r e n o v a t i o n s , b e s u r e t o f i n d t r u s t w o r t h y e x p e r t s i n D e n n y t o m a k e p a r t i c u l a r o f q u a l i t y .
Denny - FK6
Enquiry from: Christopher G
Start Date: 1 to 3 months
drive way nedding resurfaced time scale: 1-3 months please call to appoint
Denny - FK6
Enquiry from: Peter M
Start Date: Immediate
TARMAC Looking for asphalting for 8sq m of pavement already prepared with dropped kerb and type 1 believed one half tonne required. Later require driveway. thanks Peter
Salvesen Crescent - EH47
Enquiry from: Anna M
Start Date: Immediate
Driveway on my front garden
Glasgow - G33
Enquiry from: William G
Start Date: 1 to 3 months
i mprinted concrete driveway are you the property owner: owner of the property property type: semi detached what type of product are you looking for: concrete driveway how big is the area: 2-3 cars t...
Glasgow - G33
Enquiry from: William G
Start Date: 1 to 3 months
i mprinted concrete driveway are you the property owner: owner of the property property type: semi detached what type of product are you looking for: concrete driveway how big is the area: 2-3 cars t...
Airdrie - ML6
Enquiry from: Adiba A
Start Date: 1 to 3 months
3 car drive way and path. are you the property owner: owner of the property property type: detached what type of product are you looking for: concrete driveway how big is the area: 2-3 cars time scale...
Airdrie - ML6
Enquiry from: Adiba A
Start Date: 1 to 3 months
3 car drive way and path. are you the property owner: owner of the property property type: detached what type of product are you looking for: concrete driveway how big is the area: 2-3 cars time scale...
Bellshill - ML4
Enquiry from: Jennifer C
Start Date: 1 to 3 months
front garden changed to drive way and cirb lowered (6x9m) are you the property owner: owner of the property property type: other what type of product are you looking for: concrete driveway how big is...
Glasgow - G66
Enquiry from: Charles R
Start Date: Immediate
replace gravel path with concrete and resurface concrete ramp
Glasgow - G33
Enquiry from: Jamie B
Start Date: Immediate
i need my back patio and drive concreted over with a design are you the property owner: owner of the property property type: semi detached what type of product are you looking for: concrete driveway t...
Salvesen Crescent - EH47
Enquiry from: John G
Start Date: Immediate
need 100 slabs laid for a patio. 450 x450 slabs
Salvesen Crescent - EH47
Enquiry from: John G
Start Date: Immediate
need 100 slabs laid for a patio. 450 x450 slabs
Airdrie - ML6
Enquiry from: Edward M
Start Date: Immediate
quote for imprinted concrete driveway are you the property owner: owner of the property what type of product are you looking for: concrete driveway how big is the area: 2-3 cars time scale: immediate ...
Linlithgow - EH49
Enquiry from: Kirstie O
Start Date: Immediate
Hi looking for a quote for patio at back and poss driveway at front of house. Thanks Kirstie
Linlithgow - EH49
Enquiry from: Paul A
Start Date: Immediate
Driveway and path don't know what the best to do
Salvesen Crescent - EH47
Enquiry from: Gillian A
Start Date: Immediate
18 x 3x2 concrete slabs laid in small area of garden. some grass to be removed first. are you the property owner: owner of the property property type: semi detached what type of product are you lookin...
Glasgow - G33
Enquiry from: Janice M
Start Date: 1 to 3 months
6m x 3m area slabbed, with plain grey slabs are you the property owner: owner of the property property type: terrace what type of product are you looking for: patio how big is the area: 1 car time sca...
Linlithgow - EH49
Enquiry from: Martin G
Start Date: Immediate
we are looking to get a 5mx3m area levelled and slabbed so we can put a shed on it. we are then looking to get an area similar in size converted from being the base for a summer house into a pation.
Salvesen Crescent - EH47
Enquiry from: Ashley D
Start Date: Less than one month
2 meter by 4 metre concrete path please call to appoint
Airdrie - ML6
Enquiry from: Jill C
Start Date: Immediate
lay a 2 car driveway in glenmavis. remove a section of hedge and fence to create access. the area is currently laid to grass.
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Cracks on your concrete driveway can look scruffy and unsightly. They can also lead to further damage, as moisture can get into the cracks and make them worse. So, it’s important to seal the cracks as soon as you can.
Start by cleaning the area and removing any loose materials. This will help any new materials you introduce to bond with your existing driveway. Then use concrete caulking or sealer to fill in the cracks. You’ll need to use a trowel to push the filler firmly into the crack.
Once you’ve filled in the crack, make sure you consult the product instructions and leave it for the amount of time specified before using your concrete driveway again.
Whether you’re going to hire a professional to create your concrete driveway or are trying DIY, it’s a good idea to know how to create one.
Firstly, make sure you’ve thought carefully about the size and location of your driveway, and mark it out with pegs and string. Then, you’ll need to dig out the area. Ideally this should be about 20cm deep – 10cm for the subbase and 10cm for the concrete layer. Make sure this is level and compress both the soil and the subbase with a compactor if needed.
Then, you’ll need to assemble the formwork for your driveway. These are pegged out planks of wood or metal that support the edges of your driveway while it’s setting. If your driveway is more than 4 metres long, you’ll also need to create control joints to allow the concrete to settle without cracking.
Once you’ve done this, you’re ready to pour on the concrete. You’ll need to level it and ideally give it some texture so the surface has some grip. Cover your concrete driveway with plastic sheeting when you’re happy with the finish and leave it to set. Make sure you don’t walk or drive on it until it’s completely set – this usually takes 3-10 days. Then, you can remove the framework and enjoy your new driveway.
Patios are suitable for many gardens. If you do not have a flat area already, consider having some landscaping work done to create one. If your garden is on a very extreme slope, you could have a multi-layered (terraced) patio with steps between each layer. Ask for advice and get quotes if you're not sure.
Patios can be made from brick, natural stone or paving stones or slabs. These materials come in a huge range of colours, sizes and effects, so your patio can perfectly complement your garden space. Have a look for yourself or get a paver in to show you and bring samples.
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