Basically, what a tv aerial does is simply to receive broadcasted tv signals from the television station, then transmit those vibrations directly to your screen. Just like any other antenna, the tv aerial is made of metal. How exactly does it work?
The small electrical currents present in the antenna is induced by the electromagnetic waves transmitting tv signals. The tv set then acts as an amplifier to the signal and chooses the information which carries the sound as well as vision. The tv aerials are also commonly referred to as “yagi arrays by engineers. The metal plates present at the far end of the array directs the signal back down its length. Meanwhile, the parallel rod-like structures which run along the aerial’s length are designed and spaced to improve the strength of the signal.
Generally, aerials are divided into two categories – indoor and outdoor. Indoor antennas are the types located on top of your tv set or next to it, while outdoor antennas are installed on top of your building and exposed to the elements. Most times, the type of aerial you’ll require will be determined by the location of your house. For fringe or rural areas which are far from the transmission stations and likely to be blocked by natural obstructions like trees and hills, outdoor antennas are more suitable.
The performance or effectiveness of your TV aerial can be affected by a couple of things. Firstly, it can be unaligned by poor weather which will affect the signal received and interfere with the picture quality of the TV. Secondly, the TV aerial cable can also become faulty or disconnected. This is mostly the case when you get a “no signal message on your TV screen.